Ep 28. Technology, no wait, food. again.
Ep 27. Making your own luck, trust
Ep 26. Focus
Ep 25. Ads and “Wearables”
Ep 24. Peter Crysdale (StrategyHack)
Ep 23. Robin Williams
Ep 22. iPhones have the same problem
Ep 21. Refactored Writing
Ep 20. Season Three
Ep 19. Emotional Contagion
Ep 18. Mentorship
Ep 17. Breath vs Fire
Ep 16. Uber, Can I Get a Lyft?
Ep 14. Maddy Maxey Interview (part 2)
Ep 15. WWDC, Swift, and YOU!
Ep 14. Maddy Maxey Interview (part 1)
Ep 13¾. Paul Orlando Interview (part 2)
Ep 13. Paul Orlando Interview (part 1)
Ep 12. Introspective Marxist Negotiators
Ep 11. Don’t Listen To This Show Around Your Kids
Ep 10. Let’s Ban Tobacco and Corn Syrup
Ep 9¾. Can you TiVo your DVD player?
Ep 9. Zipcar, Oculus, FIRE!
Ep 8. The Social Economy
Ep 7. Interview: Lisa Fiedler (GroupMe)
Ep 6. Double Header: Tres (Bonus)
Ep 5. Double Header: Dos
Ep 4. Double Header: Uno
Ep 3. The Show-notes Edition
Ep 2. Hey I’m running late
Ep 1. Learning to Code